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School Treasurer's Role

The role of an effective treasurer encompasses a multitude of responsibilities, each essential to the fiscal health of the district. Treasurer's are: 

  • Fiscal leaders and advisors who provide sound financial guidance that assists the district leadership team in the decision-making process;
  • Financial managers who clearly understand the economic resources and collaborate with district leadership in their management;
  • Managers of capital and financial assets who, through their fiscal leadership, are charged with the guardianship of these assets;
  • Communicators and collaborators who disseminate and articulate the financial status of the district; and 
  • Professionals who adhere to established ethical standards.

School treasurers are entrusted with protecting the fiscal health of the district. To perform these roles and responsibilities, they must execute their duties with the utmost conscientiousness, collaboration and ethical behavior; additionally, they must possess an extensive set of skills and knowledge. Treasurers exhibit the disposition of effective leadership through collaboration.  Treasurer's lead by demonstrating and nurturing high levels of trust based on their competence, integrity, ethics and high expectations.