The Bedford City Schools Nutrition Services Department is pleased to welcome all of our students and staff back for the school year. Last year we proudly served over 193,000 breakfasts and over 244,000 lunches to the students of our District.
We work hard every day to serve healthy, compliant, and delicious meals to our students. We provide frequent professional development for all Nutrition Services Staff on all levels of food safety, food handling and sanitation.
Each of our six kitchens is inspected by the Board of Health at least twice a year. In addition, every kitchen employs at least one person with Level II ServSafe Certification.
One of the challenges nutrition services face every day is offering more fruit and vegetable options that the students will taste and enjoy. BCSD pushed forward with our farm to school efforts by partnering with Feed Our Future to promote the use of locally grown produce. This partnership allowed us to serve fresh, local corn on the cob, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, tomatoes, and other fresh produce to our students.
Take time to talk to your children about the different fruits and vegetables they eat at school. Together we can promote and encourage a healthier lifestyle for our children.
Students are offered a variety of snacks, foods and beverages appropriate to their age group that can be purchased ala carte. All of these foods are Smart Snack Compliant and meet the guidelines set by the USDA.
Green Effort
Nutrition Services will be transitioning to molded fiber lunch trays that are made from 100% recycled fibers and are certified 100% compostable. We will also remove plastic straws from everyday service. This is a conscious effort to reduce our carbon footprint. Styrofoam trays contribute to a very large part of our daily trash in the District which in turn get thrown into a landfill where they do not decompose. Over 500,000,000 plastic straws are used in the United States every day and most end up in our oceans polluting the water and threatening marine life. All of the kitchens in the District will be developing a daily on and off schedule to minimize the length of time equipment is running when not in use. Staff is encouraged to turn off lights that aren’t needed, keep cooler and freezer doors closed as much as possible and to be aware of how much food waste is generated daily in order to reduce our waste. The plan is to increase our Green Effort each year.